solar installation gold coast - Omega Solar and Batteries Back up
Gold Coast solar power installer - Omega Solar and Batteries Back up
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Solar Experts


Solar Panels / Solar Batteries / Solar Inverters

With over 15 years experience in the solar industry, our local knowledge and staff have helped over 6000 happy families through the process of designing and installing their PV solar system.

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A lifetime of renewable energy


Experience the difference

We take great care in ensuring our systems support you and your energy costs for a lifetime.

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Solar Panels

Your Local Solar Company Omega Solar + Batteries only provide Clean Energy Council approved Tier 1 panels. We work mostly with Trina solar panels, which come supplied with a 30 year parts and labour manufacturer warranty to secure your investment. Saving money and adding value to your home has become easier with solar.

Solar Inverters

Effective solar power and energy management is essential to meet your local grids energy needs. Our recommended solar inverters allow energy to be taken at specific times from the grid, and make it accessible again when you need it without dips in energy. Reliable and cost effective, exactly what a solar inverter should be.


Solar batteries are becoming a more affordable option to maximise the value of your solar system. With a solar battery solution you can harness the sun's energy during the day and use your excess energy produced during the night. This can completely eliminate your electricity bill and even MAKE you money.

Solar Power, panel & Installation solutions Solar Gold Coast


Omega Solar + Batteries are a locally owned family business. Our solar experts have been actively installing solar systems and solar battery storage for the wider community since 2008. Our Director and chief solar technician grew up and trained on the Gold Coast and is committed to serving and giving back to the local area. We achieve this through affordable solar systems that make a real, positive impact on our customers electricity bills. We are one of the leading local solar companies on the Gold Coast and Brisbane.

We are offering services for over 15 years experience in the solar industry, our local knowledge and staff have helped over 6000 happy families through the process of designing and installing their PV solar system.

We treat you as family, from first contact, to installation and beyond with a lifetime of support for your solar system.

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Before you start your journey towards solar energy, please enjoy this FREE guide homeowners designed by the Clean Energy Council

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The “We Care” Solar Family

Omega Solar+Batteries provides our customers with more
than just a simple solar system installation.

Is Your Solar System Underperforming?

Is Your Solar System Underperforming?

Solar Support

We offer customers a discounted annual audit, service and clean for the lifetime of your system. Knowing that you have support you can trust gives you piece of mind.

Solar Experience

Omega Solar+Batteries has been installing and servicing solar systems since 2008.


Access to comprehensive diagnostic tools that will allow us to identify the cause of any solar system issue.

Affordable Gold Coast Solar Solution

We understand that solar is a big investment for a lot of families, and we want to help ALL families have access to clean energy.

residential solar gold coast - Omega Solar and Batteries Back up
commercial solar gold coast - Omega Solar and Batteries Back up
omega solar batteries - Omega Solar and Batteries Back up


From residential to commercial, we provide expert guidance and advice in the design, installation and servicing stages on the Gold Coast.

local solar company omega solar and batteries products - Omega Solar and Batteries Back up
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Residential Systems Installed
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Battery Systems Installed
Commercial Solar Projects
Trees Saved

Why Choose Gold Coast Solar Power?

One might ask; why are Gold Coast residents and businesses alike installing solar panels at their properties and premises at an increasing rate?

Our clients have given a multitude of reasons for this, whether their motivation is financial, environmental or a combination of the two.

Not only is Gold Coast solar power a green energy source that helps take the pressure off Australia’s reliance on fossil fuels for electricity, but it is also a great way to save money on electricity bills. Our systems can help offset ever increasing electricity prices by running power hungry applications during the day such as air conditioners, water heaters and pool pumps. And with the installation of a solar battery, the savings can keep on coming even after the sun has gone down.

If there is one thing we have an abundance of in Australia and the Gold Coast, it is sunshine.  The more Gold Coast solar power systems that are installed across the country, the less we need to rely on power stations that are operating at capacity to keep the increasing demand for electricity at bay. We get more and more enquiries regarding Gold Coast solar batteries and off the grid systems from households that want to be more self-reliant for electricity, while doing what they can to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

As the leaders in Gold Coast Solar Power for over 15 years, our team has extensive experience in helping our customers to get the right, high quality solar power system for their needs. Not all properties are the same so the solar panel that works great on one project, may not be ideal for the next. Combined with the rapidly changing new solar technologies and battery storage options available, we always recommend contacting our team of leading solar experts for a free consultation.

We proudly serve the entire Gold Coast, including popular suburbs such as Mudgeeraba, Robina, Varsity Lakes, Burleigh Heads, Mermaid Waters, Southport, Surfers Paradise, Broadbeach, Palm Beach, and Nerang. Additionally, we cover the south side of Brisbane, as far west as Beaudesert, and as far south as Byron Bay.

Our expert team at Omega Solar + Batteries will help you design a Gold Coast solar system, complete with quality solar panel and solar battery options, that will suit your home or business and offer solutions that are cost effective. All we need is some details from your last electricity bill to help determine what size the system needs to be and we can determine how much it will save you on your electricity bill. Give us a call today on 1300 663 422 for a friendly obligation free chat on how we can help you save on your electricity costs and play your part in protecting the environment. 

Our Gold Coast Solar Power & Panel installers are ready to help you today. Contact us for a free consultation on your needs.
If you are looking for more information regarding our solar power Gold Coast services we offer, please call us at 1300 663 422 and get started with us today.